CD: «Christmas Wonderland» mit Widmung ( with a personal note from Natalia )

CD: «Christmas Wonderland» mit Widmung ( with a personal note from Natalia )


Make your Christmas CD special with a personal note from Natalia!



CD «Christmas Wonderland»

Make your CD special with a personal note from Natalia!

After you have put your CD in your basket, continue to check-out where you can give the first name of the recipient and a short message text (EXAMPLES: Merry Christmas, Jane!, or To John, wishing you all the best!) in the „Order notes (optional)“ field, the very last field at the bottom of the check-out page.

  1. The Christmas Song
  2. Winter Wonderland
  3. Träumerei
  4. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
  5. White Christmas
  6. Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer
  7. O Christmas Tree
  8. Prelude in C Major
  9. Hallelujah
  10. Silent Night